Salvation is the most valuable gift from God, the Creator of heaven and earth, to everyone that can declare and believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior.

If you are ready to make a u-turn and get your life in alignment with the perfect will and plan that God has predestined for your life, then simply go on your knees and pray this prayer to receive Salvation:

Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner.

I believe that you have died for my sin on the Cross of Calvary,

and I believe that you were raised from the dead,

to give me eternal life in your Kingdom.

Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me and that I now belong to you.


Romans 10:9-10 NIV


Now that you are saved, you need to undestand that Salvation is a journey, it means it’s a daily walk with God.

In order for you to grow up into a full experience of salvation you need to meditate on God’s Word day and night,

to ensure that you are living in a way that pleases God. He wants you to live a devoted life to Him by being obedient to His Word.

Jonke Ministries is here to help you get started!

Here are some scriptures that can help you get started

Or if you want me to help you in a practical way how to walk daily with God, then get a copy of my book.

If you cannot afford a book, then please submit your request here to receive your free copy.

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