Teaching Goal: To connect deeper with God

The story of Kasi and Mtani

Photo Credit: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

John 15:15 NIV

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

In this chapter, we explore the special bond of friendship that we have with God. My hope for you is that you can feel worthy of His friendship and love regardless of your circumstances, weaknesses, and insecurities. Once you realize the advantage you have of God being your closest and best friend, that’s when you’ll start enjoying more of God’s presence and all His benefits. But before we go further, allow me to recount an incredible tale about Kasi, a cheetah, and Mtani, a yellow Labrador, who reside at Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida. Their story has many parallels to our friendship with God, which I’d love to share with you.

Kasi and Mtani have been inseparable since they were just a few weeks old. The park’s animal care team noticed that Kasi, who was born without a sibling, was having trouble socializing with other cheetahs. They decided to introduce him to a Labrador Retriever puppy named Mtani to see if the two would get along.

To everyone’s surprise, Kasi and Mtani hit it off immediately. They became inseparable, spending their days playing, napping, and grooming each other. Despite being different species and not communicating in the same way, Kasi and Mtani understand each other’s needs and respect their unique differences.

We can learn how to depend more on God’s friendship to lead and guide us through life. When Kasi and Mtani play together, they don’t hold back or try to hurt each other. They understand that they are playing a game, and that they both need to have fun. Similarly, we should realize that God wants us to enjoy life to the fullest and He takes pleasure in being close to us, confiding in us.

For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.
Psalms 149:4 AMP

God-friendship is for God-worshipers; They are the ones he confides in.
Psalms 25:14 MSG

God cares about our enjoyment and playfulness, just as much as He cares about other aspects of our lives. Every great friendship has an element of play and fun involved, and it’s hard to think of a single enduring friendship that hasn’t had some fun along the way. In Matthew 18:3 (NIV), Jesus highlights the importance of approaching life with childlike wonder and openness, as it is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven.

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 18:3 NIV

The friendship between Kasi and Mtani is a reminder that connections can form between even the most unlikely of pairs. These bonds show us that love and understanding can transcend differences in appearance, behavior, and even species.

Despite being of different species, Kasi and Mtani are able to communicate with each other, indicating a special bond. Similarly, we, as humans, have the opportunity to build a unique relationship with God. Although it may be challenging to communicate with the divine in the same way we communicate with each other, we can still establish a deep connection with Him.

Feeling God’s presence can take on various forms, and it is up to us to recognize them. For instance, we may feel His presence while observing the beauty of nature, playing with our children, taking the dogs out for a walk, or even hiking to a mountain. It is also possible to experience a moment of enlightenment that reveals His true nature while watching a movie, reading a book, or studying scripture in the Word of God.

We can cultivate a closer relationship with God by setting aside time for God in our lives, such as engaging in spiritual practices like prayer, worship and meditation, we can nurture a deeper connection with God. As we make a conscious effort to connect with Him, we become more attuned to His presence and can strengthen our relationship with Him.

God’s sovereignty is beyond human comprehension, as His ways are higher than ours. He transcends our earthly realm, thinking and reasoning differently than we do. From His breath, we were brought into being and sustained. Despite His right to demand obedience, He calls us friends, inviting us into a relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit serves as a mediator, ensuring direct communication with God without fear or hesitation. Through Jesus Christ, we can have direct fellowship with God, the creator of heaven and earth. As Jesus said,

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me”

John 14:6 NLT

Just as a close friend can intuitively pick up on and understand when something is bothering their friend, the Holy Spirit can work in a similar way. In times of weakness or uncertainty, we may struggle to articulate our prayers or feelings to God. However, the Holy Spirit provides comfort and support, enabling us to express ourselves and interceding on our behalf with groanings too deep for words.

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Romans 8:26-28 NLT

As Kasi and Mtani’s unique friendship shows, our relationship with God may differ from the relationships we have with others, but it is equally valuable and special. The support and love we receive from good friends can serve as a visible representation of the Holy Spirit’s love and guidance in our lives. God desires to be a faithful friend to us, offering the encouragement and words we need to express ourselves in times of difficulty.

The Bible also portrays God as possessing numerous admirable qualities, such as a caring and supportive nature. Like a good friend, He is always ready to set things right for us and to be there for us when we need Him the most.

You took over and set everything right; when I needed you, you were there, taking charge.

Psalms 9:3-4 MSG

God is a source of comfort and strength during difficult times, and a beacon of hope when things seem hopeless. Just as Kasi and Mtani rely on each other for support, we can rely on God to be there for us when we need Him most.

While friendship can be a source of great joy and fulfillment, we also recognize that it is not always easy or straightforward. If you have experienced hurtful friendships in the past, it can be difficult to imagine a different reality. However, I want to offer you hope and assurance that meaningful and authentic friendship with God is indeed possible despite all your past disappointments with people.

“I will never leave you, never! And I will not loosen my grip on your life!”

Hebrews 13:5 TPT

When we look at the bond between Kasi and Mtani, we see a relationship that is built on trust, acceptance, and love. We can apply these three principles of friendship to our relationship with God.

  1. Trust that God has your best interest at heart (Jer 29:11, John 10:10)
  2. Acceptance His will and plan for your life (Rom 12:1-2, Eph 5:17, Ps 40:8)
  3. Love Him with all your heart and soul (Matt 22:37, Ps 37:4)

In conclusion, the Bible teaches that we can have a close, intimate relationship with God. He desires to be our friend, and we can cultivate this relationship through faith, obedience, and spending time in His presence. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, also plays a significant role in our friendship with God. He is the one who produces in us the fruit of the Spirit – qualities like love, joy, peace, and gentleness. He guides us, empowers us, intercedes for us, and produces godly character in us as we surrender to Him. Through Him, we can experience an even deeper intimacy with our Heavenly Father.

Engagement Challenge
Join the conversation by sharing which of the three principles of friendship – Trust, Acceptance, or Love – you struggle with the most and why. Also share your testimony about how your friendship with God began and encourage others with your story. We want to hear from you!

Worship Challenge
Take time to honor God for His faithfulness and dependability as a friend. Worship Him in spirit and in truth, recognizing that He is worthy of all praise and adoration.

The Extra Mile Challenge
Deepen your friendship with God by watching David Diga Hernandez’s teaching videos on “You Can Be a Friend of the Holy Spirit” and “Four Simple Keys to Becoming the Holy Spirit’s Friend.” Apply these principles to your life and experience the fullness of God’s friendship.

Meditation Challenge

Deepen your relationship with God by meditating on Psalm 139:1-11. Take a few moments to acknowledge and appreciate God’s loving presence, which is always with you. Remember that God is your closest friend.

Lord, you know everything there is to know about me. You perceive every movement of my heart and soul, and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind. You are so intimately aware of me, Lord. You read my heart like an open book and you know all the words I’m about to speak before I even start a sentence! You know every step I will take before my journey even begins. You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. You have laid your hand on me! This is just too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible! Your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength. Where could I go from your Spirit? Where could I run and hide from your face? If I go up to heaven, you’re there! If I go down to the realm of the dead, you’re there too! If I fly with wings into the shining dawn, you’re there! If I fly into the radiant sunset, you’re there waiting! Wherever I go, your hand will guide me; your strength will empower me. It’s impossible to disappear from you or to ask the darkness to hide me, for your presence is everywhere, bringing light into my night.

Psalms 139:1-11 TPT