Teaching Goal: To connect deeper with God


Embracing Balance in a Fast-Paced World

When I embarked on my journey of faith, eagerly immersing myself in God’s Word and allowing it to permeate every aspect of my life, I was filled with an overwhelming passion for Jesus. I longed to embrace all the dreams and desires that stirred within my heart. In our inherent nature, we often find ourselves getting ahead of both God and ourselves, regrettably so. Nevertheless, I cherish those moments of exuberance, knowing that God, who looks at the heart, must have delighted in witnessing my profound affection for Jesus.

With great enthusiasm, I immediately took up the task of serving at Church, in my workplace, and within the community, eager to share the transformative impact God had made in my life. However, what I failed to anticipate were the warning signs that indicated the ease with which we can become weary laborers in God’s Kingdom. I constantly felt that my efforts fell short, and the desire to do more, be more, and dream bigger consumed me. Unfortunately, this relentless pursuit led me to a state of burnout, and everything around me came crashing down once again.

As I dedicated myself to Church service and neglected my own family, my marriage began crumbling. Simultaneously, work became increasingly demanding due to resource limitations and ineffective leadership, leaving me gasping for breath. Unknowingly, my unwavering faith in ministry caused me to perceive external circumstances as adversaries, hindering my progress and thwarting God’s purpose for my life. Driven by this mindset, I resigned from my corporate job, intending to wholeheartedly pursue God’s calling. Yet, I continued at the same relentless pace, and each disappointment I encountered became a daunting obstacle. I failed to grasp the consequences of laboring in God’s Kingdom while neglecting the well-being of my own heart.

Unintentionally, I suppressed these disappointments and disregarded the perilous signs in my spirit, urging me to pause and restore balance. Oblivious to the danger, I relentlessly pushed forward, until I eventually lost everything—my dignity, my faith, and my financial stability—nearly reaching the brink of destroying my marriage. I found myself in a state of desolation, my heart hardened, questioning every belief I held regarding God’s faithfulness.

In this moment of despair, I discovered a profound truth encapsulated in the words of Matthew 5:3 from the Message translation:

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
Matthew 5:3 MSG

I had exhausted all my attempts to expedite God’s plans for my life, inadvertently allowing arrogance to replace God’s reign in my heart. It was then that God, in His mercy, began teaching me the essence of finding rest in Him, introducing the concept of balance to every facet of my life. A scripture from Proverbs 16:11 NLT profoundly shifted my perspective on laboring in God’s Kingdom, revealing that the Lord demands balance.

The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; he sets the standards for fairness.
Proverbs 16:11 NLT

Through this transformative journey, I learned the significance of surrendering my own ambitions and embracing God’s purposes and plans from a place of rest. This entails cooperating with God, allowing Him to lead the way, and simply obeying and following His guidance with a heart full of peace and hope. I discovered the crucial importance of maintaining balance, safeguarding the well-being of my heart, and avoiding the pitfalls of weariness. In my brokenness, I found the abundance of God’s presence and rule, realizing that as I decrease, He increases. This revelation has reshaped my entire mindset concerning serving in God’s Kingdom and ignited a renewed sense of purpose rooted in the true balance and righteousness that God desires.

I recommend listening to a short message titled “8 Minute Sermon: Rest from Striving” by New Creation Albuquerque. This message will provide valuable insights on how to approach the work required of us, not through anxious striving, but from a place of hopeful and peaceful cooperation with God.

I experienced a pivotal moment in my spiritual journey when I held the honored position of an armorbearer for Pastor Lillian Van Der Westhuizen, the wife of Apostle Nicky van der Westhuizen, who are the Founding Pastors of New Beginnings Christian Family Church (NBCFC) in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was truly awe-inspiring to serve them, as they embodied the essence of Jesus’ representatives, carrying the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit without hindrance.

However, in my zeal to serve them wholeheartedly and voluntarily, I found myself longing to emulate David’s unwavering commitment to serving in God’s house day and night. The words of Psalm 27:4 TPT resonated deeply within me, as I yearned to dwell in God’s presence continuously, beholding His glorious beauty, filled with awe, and delighting in His grace.

Here’s the one thing I crave from Yahweh, the one thing I seek above all else: I want to live with him every moment in his house, beholding the marvelous beauty of Yahweh, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to contemplate in his temple.
Psalms 27:4 TPT

My days were filled with attending Church courses, engaging in fellowship with Church groups, and participating in three Sunday Church services, along with various conferences. I want to emphasize that this was a time of immense joy for me, as I was wholeheartedly dedicated to God’s House and serving my leaders. It was a remarkable season, and I occasionally find myself missing the all-encompassing passion I had for God’s Kingdom.

Additionally, I volunteered at an Aged Care Home, where a significant event brought everything into clear perspective. The care nurse urgently summoned me to pray for two ladies who were nearing the end of their lives. As I entered the room, separated by closed white curtains, their beds faced each other. Interestingly, that particular day, the scripture I had been meditating on was Hebrews 6:19 NLT, which speaks of our hope as a firm and secure anchor leading us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.

This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.
Hebrews 6:19 NLT

Passing through those curtain dividers felt like God was inviting me to comprehend the true essence of servanthood in His Kingdom. It was a servanthood that offers hope to a dying world desperately in need of rest. Approaching the lady on the right, I sensed a profound peace emanating from her. I gently held her hand and offered my heartfelt prayers. Then, I turned to the lady on the left, only to witness her enduring immense anguish during her final hours. My heart was deeply moved by her distress, and it was in that moment that God’s revelation became clear.

He unveiled to me the sharp contrast between imbalanced servanthood—where one side experiences abundant rest while the other side is plagued by an urgent need for rest. In that profound encounter, God spoke to my heart, emphasizing the importance of balance in my own life. If I desired to continue serving, it was crucial to extend that same care and ministry to those in desperate need of salvation.

This revelation of balance and resting in God stirred a wellspring of emotions within me, leading me to cry tears of profound impact for days on end. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I embarked on a journey of restoring balance in my life, aligning myself with God’s perfect design.

The key lesson to take away is the shift we need to make from a posture of striving to one of stewarding rest. I would like to recommend a powerful segment from a sermon titled “STOP Striving | Mark Jobe” by Lifestyle Christianity. Take a moment to listen to it, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you into this place of rest.

Engagement Challenge

We value your input in this engagement challenge as we encourage you to take a moment for self-reflection. Consider areas in your own life where balance needs to be reinstated, and where you may have become entangled in striving, hindering the flow of the Holy Spirit’s gifts in your life. We also invite you to share your testimony regarding how God has graciously revealed to you the power of entering into His rest. Your personal experiences and insights are valuable, and we eagerly await hearing from you. Please take this opportunity to share your story with us!

Worship Challenge

Let us take a moment to acknowledge and honor God for the gift of rest that He generously bestows upon His beloved, as the Word reminds us in Psalm 127:1-2 MSG. Reflect on the profound significance of this truth and express gratitude to God for His faithfulness in providing rest for His people.

If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks. If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap. It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?
Psalm 127:1-2 MSG

The Extra Mile Challenge

The gift of rest that Jesus has made available to us is a profound and multifaceted treasure waiting to be explored. To delve deeper into this topic, I highly recommend watching the following insightful teachings: “Stop Striving, Start Resting” by Northway Christian Community, “Welcome the Holy Spirit” by David Diga Hernandez, and “Abiding Not Striving” by Joel Osteen. These resources will provide valuable insights and guidance on embracing and experiencing the rest that God has graciously bestowed upon us.

Meditation Challenge

Welcome to the 3-Day Meditation Challenge

Duration: 3 days

Objective: To encourage you to choose rest over striving

“Stop striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth.”
Psalm 46:10 (New American Standard Bible)


Day 1: Embracing Rest in God’s Presence

Watch the meditation video “Psalm 46 Daily Meditation: Stop and Be Still” by Abide.

Reflect on Psalm 46:10 and its call to stop striving and know God.

Throughout the day, consciously choose rest over striving whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Journal your reflections on seeking rest in God’s presence.

Day 2: Finding Peace in God’s Promises

Read Psalm 46 and focus on God’s promises and declarations of His power and presence.

Meditate on Psalm 46:10, using it as a mantra or written reminder.

Pause and recite Psalm 46:10 when faced with stress or the temptation to strive.

End the day in gratitude, thanking God for His faithfulness and the peace He has given.

Day 3: Resting in God’s Exaltation

Engage in worship, focusing on God’s greatness and majesty.

Reflect on how choosing rest in Him aligns with His desire to be exalted.

Look for opportunities to bring glory to God throughout the day.

Remind yourself of Psalm 46:10 when thoughts of striving arise.

End the challenge with prayer, expressing gratitude for God’s presence and peace.

Note: Journal your reflections on each day’s experience, noting any insights or lessons learned along the way.