Teaching Goal: To connect deeper with God


The Establishment of God’s Design and Order

So, in the previous chapters, I shared how the Holy Spirit hooked me up with my first divine instruction: to devour God’s Word. Funny thing is, I was totally into those gritty criminal serial killer stories back then. And guess what? The Holy Spirit got me hooked on some seriously gory Old Testament tales, which made it super easy for me to transition into the Word of God. We have to give props to Jesus for meeting us right where we’re at. His grace is mind-blowing!

Here’s the deal: the whole point of your purpose is to get people back to the centre of God’s Word, this is God’s design and order.

Stay right there on top of things so that the teaching stays on track. Apparently some people have been introducing fantasy stories and fanciful family trees that digress into silliness instead of pulling the people back into the center, deepening faith and obedience.

1 Timothy 1:3-4 (MSG)

It’s all about deepening our faith, rewiring our thoughts, and keeping our hearts devoted and obedient to Him. Don’t get caught up in selfish indulgence and fake faith, though. Take your struggles seriously, stay fearless, and hold on to what God’s Word says. Embrace those unique qualities that God intentionally gave you to bring glory to His name. That’s the real you, my friend!

I can also remember during my time serving at an Aged Care home, I had the privilege of encountering a remarkable woman. Though Alzheimer’s had stolen much from her, there was one precious possession she clung to dearly—her Bible. The worn pages were adorned with countless markings, evidence of her deep devotion to studying God’s counsel (refer to the below picture of her cherished Bible). Despite her frailty, she clung to one verse in particular from Revelation 2:7 NLT, which she lovingly repeated to me.

This is the message from the one who is holy and true, the one who has the key of David. What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes, no one can open.

Revelations 2: 7 (NLT)

As she carefully opened her Bible, a spark of excitement lit up her eyes, and her hands trembled with anticipation. In that profound moment, I realized that God’s Word was not merely ink on paper, but a priceless treasure that had found its home within her heart. It was a treasure that no ailment could steal, a beacon of truth that shone brightly even in the darkest corners of her memory.

In witnessing her unwavering devotion, I was reminded of the immense significance of God’s counsel in our lives. Regardless of the challenges we face, His Word stands as an unshakable foundation, guiding us through the storms and uncertainties. This extraordinary woman, robbed of her memory, possessed an unwavering grip on the eternal wisdom encapsulated within those pages—the very essence of God’s unchanging love and guidance.

This touching encounter serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact of living according to God’s counsel and design. When we embrace His wisdom and align our lives with His purpose, we can navigate our journey with clarity and purpose, regardless what we are facing.

By immersing ourselves in His Word, guarding it as a precious treasure, we find guidance and strength for every step we take. As we seek His counsel and allow His design to shape our choices, we can live a life marked by intentionality and fulfillment.

You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You’re blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That’s right—you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set; then I’d never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel. I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways. I’m going to do what you tell me to do; don’t ever walk off and leave me.

Psalm 119:1-8 (MSG)

When we anchor our lives in God’s counsel, we can approach the sunset of our days with confidence and contentment, knowing that we have lived a life aligned with His perfect design. May we hold fast to His Word, cherishing it as our guide, so that we may walk a path that brings fulfillment and leaves no room for regret.

So, to establish God’s order in your life—both in the natural and spiritual realms—let’s talk about God’s counsel and design in a bit more depth. Get this: it’s all about His will for you. You’ve got an inheritance, you’re handpicked by God Himself. You were predestined for a purpose, and everything He does aligns with His will and design. That’s some serious divine coordination right there!

In Him also we have received an inheritance [a destiny—we were claimed by God as His own], having been predestined (chosen, appointed beforehand) according to the purpose of Him who works everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His will.

Ephesians 1:11 (AMP)

1. God’s Counsel

My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well-constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Colossians 2:6-7 (MSG)

Often, when the powerful and influential lose their footing, it’s because they’ve disregarded, ignored, or hastily dismissed God’s counsel and His revealed purpose. This invaluable counsel can be found within the pages of the Word of God. When we neglect to meditate on His Word and fail to prioritize spending time in His presence, we become susceptible to stumbling and succumbing to temptation. The Word of God serves as a wellspring of wisdom and guidance, offering insights for navigating any circumstance we may face. Without the guidance of His Word, we run the risk of being deceived, whether by the influence of others or by our own distorted perspectives. In a world that promotes self-centeredness and the pursuit of personal glory, we may unknowingly wander down a path of self-destruction. However, God’s design calls us to embrace self-sacrifice. By becoming more attuned to God’s counsel, we cultivate healthier behavioral responses that bring glory to Him, sparing others from stumbling along the way.

But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God—the free life! —even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.

James 1:25 (MSG)

Now, here’s the deal with God’s design.

2. God’s Design

In the beginning God (Elohim) created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good (pleasing, useful) and He affirmed and sustained it; and God separated the light [distinguishing it] from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

Genesis 1:1 (AMP)

From the very beginning, when God formed the heavens and the earth, He saw the beauty and purpose in all His creations, affirming their value and sustaining them. It is evident that God’s design since the dawn of time was to bring Him pleasure and to showcase His glory and power. When we live lives that please God, aligning with His purposes, He graciously supports us because we become valuable instruments in His Kingdom. As we abide in His Word, He equips us to fulfill our mission. God grants us authority and empowers us to live out the purpose for which He created and designed us. His ultimate design is for us to wholeheartedly love Him and to extend that love to others, just as we love ourselves. The order is clear: God comes first, and as we understand our true identity in Him, we are empowered by His grace to love and serve others, mirroring His example.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.

Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)

But we must recognize that the enemy constantly seeks to counterfeit God’s original design. Hence, God has provided us with His counsel—His Word—to nourish and save our souls, which encompass our mind, will, and emotions, prone to rebellion against God’s commands. Furthermore, through Jesus Christ, we have been granted freedom and complete power and authority over all of God’s creation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that this authority is granted for a specific purpose: to recognize the ongoing battle for our souls.

All those prayers are coming together now so you will do this well, fearless in your struggle, keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself. After all, this is a fight we’re in.

1 Timothy 1:15-19 (MSG)

As believers, we possess the authority to thwart every attack. Armed with the Word of God, every promise we declare carries weight and cannot return empty. Additionally, we have the peace of God that acts as a protective barrier around our hearts and minds, preserving our faith during challenging times.

In conclusion, let us be reminded of the profound significance of remaining deeply rooted in God’s Word as our sustenance and power. It is through the nourishment and guidance found in His Word that we discover our true purpose and find the strength to fulfill it. By obeying His Word, we align ourselves with God’s original design for our lives, bringing Him pleasure and glorifying His name.

In a world that constantly tempts us with distractions and counterfeits, let us hold fast to the truth and wisdom of God’s Word. May we be steadfast in our commitment to please Him, knowing that He has lovingly crafted a unique path for each of us. As we walk in obedience, we can experience the fullness of His grace, love, and transformative power.

Remember, it is in our obedience to God’s Word that we find true fulfillment and joy, and gain full access to the power and authority we have over the enemy. Let us embrace the privilege and responsibility of living according to His design. As we do so, we become vessels of His light, impacting the lives of others and pointing them towards the eternal truth found in Christ, and setting people free from the bondage the enemy has kept them in.

So, let us remain rooted in the Word, drawing strength from His presence, and allowing His Word to shape our thoughts, actions, and desires. May our lives be a testament to the power and beauty of God’s design. May we continually seek to please Him, knowing that in His Word, we find abundant life and eternal purpose.

Stay anchored in God’s Word, for it is there that you will find sustenance, power, and the fulfillment of His divine design for your life.

God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.

Ephesians 4:14-16 (MSG)

Engagement Challenge

I challenge you to ask yourself a relevant question:

What specific action do I need to take that is aligned with God’s counsel and design to reinstate order or to take authority over a specific stronghold in my life?

Take a moment to reflect on areas where you may be facing challenges or struggling with strongholds. Seek guidance from God’s Word and spend time in prayer, asking Him to reveal His counsel and the steps you need to take. Trust that He will provide clarity and empower you to overcome any obstacles standing in your way. Step out in faith, knowing that as you align your actions with God’s design, you can experience His transformative power and bring about positive change in your life.

Share your answer with us, and let us journey together in seeking God’s wisdom and walking in His purpose.

Worship Challenge

I invite you to embrace a worship challenge that will align your heart with God’s Word and deepen your faith in Jesus Christ. Take some time to intentionally listen to selected songs that exalt and magnify His name. Let the lyrics and melodies resonate within your spirit, drawing you closer to God’s presence. Allow the songs to minister to your soul, reminding you of His faithfulness, grace, and love. As you engage in worship, open your heart to receive His truth and allow it to permeate every aspect of your being. Let the songs become a soundtrack of praise and adoration, igniting a fire of devotion within you. May this worship challenge ignite a deeper passion for Jesus and cultivate a vibrant and intimate relationship with Him.

The Extra Mile Challenge

I present to you an inspiring challenge to watch three powerful sermons that delve into the transformative nature of God’s Word, which serves as our sustenance and power. The recommended sermons include “The Refreshing Power Of The Word Of God” by Pastor Greg Laurie, “The Power of Praying the Scriptures” by David Diga Hernandez, and “The POWER of PRAYING God’s Word” by Beth Moore. These sermons will equip you with profound insights and practical strategies to unleash the life-giving power of God’s Word in your daily walk. As you engage with these teachings, open your heart to receive fresh revelations and allow the truths presented to ignite a passion for Scripture within you. Let the sermons fuel your hunger for God’s Word, empowering you to experience its transformative impact in every area of your life. May this challenge deepen your understanding of God’s Word and activate a greater hunger for its life-changing power.

Meditation Challenge

Welcome to the 3-Day Meditation Challenge

Duration: 3 days

Objective: To bring you back to the center of God’s Word


I invite you to embark on a powerful 3-day meditation challenge centered around the theme of God’s Word as the foundation of our lives. Throughout these three days, meditate on the focal Scripture;

I delight to fulfill your will, my God, for your living words are written upon the pages of my heart.”
Psalms 40:8 TPT

Day 1: Reflect on the Delight

Spend time in quiet reflection, allowing the words of this Scripture to sink deep into your heart. Contemplate the joy and delight that come from aligning your life with God’s will. As you meditate, ask yourself: How can I find delight in fulfilling God’s will? How can I cultivate a heart that delights in His Word?

Day 2: Internalize His Words

Dive deeper into the idea that God’s living words are written upon the pages of your heart. Meditate on the impact of internalizing His Word. Allow His truths to permeate your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Consider: How can I intentionally absorb and internalize God’s Word? How can I make it an integral part of my being?

Day 3: Walk in Obedience

Focus on the practical aspect of fulfilling God’s will. Reflect on how obedience to His Word brings transformation and purpose to your life. Contemplate: How can I actively live out God’s Word in my everyday life? What steps can I take to align my actions with His will?

Throughout this meditation challenge, journal your reflections, prayers, and insights. Take time each day to meditate, pray, and seek God’s guidance. As you immerse yourself in His Word and embrace His will, may you experience a deepening of your relationship with Him and a profound transformation within your heart.

Here is an additional resource to enhance your meditation experience. If you prefer a guided audio journey, I recommend watching a meditation video titled “Meditation When Life Is Disorderly and Unmanageable.” This video will provide a soothing and immersive environment to help you rely on God to reinstate order if there are strongholds in your life and you long to realign your heart with God’s counsel and design. Find a quiet and comfortable space, play the video, and let the guided meditation lead you into a deeper connection with God’s Word. May this audio experience enrich your meditation challenge and bring you closer to the heart of God.