Jonke Ministries_Shanza Jonker_the voice of deceit

Photo Credit to Natalie Seth (@ escapingyouth)

Acts 13:8 NLT

But Elymas, the sorcerer (as his name means in Greek), interfered and urged the governor to pay no attention to what Barnabas and Saul said. He was trying to keep the governor from believing.

As night closes in across Kentucky a small chubby spider makes a silk line between two plants. She then moves along her “trapeze wire” and waits.

After a while a moth approaches within range, and the spider unleashes a swinging sticky ball, ensnaring the moth and pulling him in to be eaten.

The attacker is a bolas spider, and she hunts by releasing an odour that precisely matches the chemical composition of female moth mating pheromones. The male moth is lured in, but instead of getting a mate, he gets eaten.

Bolas spiders are just one of a plethora of animals and plants which are highly skilled at thriving through trickery and deception.*

The enemy is known as the father of lies, he is a murderer from the beginning, and in the same way as this bolas spider works—he wants to murder your dreams by deceiving you with false ecstasies—which are only reserved for God. (Luke 20:34 MSG)

When you invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, you immediately have the ability to discern between truth and lies. (1 John 2:26-27 NLT)

If you are tired of the voices of deceit, then simply ask the Holy Spirit right now to open up your eyes to see the truth and to hear his voice for clear direction.