Jonke Ministries-Shanza Jonker-window to your soul

Photo Credit to Natalie Seth (@ escapingyouth)

Acts 14:9-10 NLT

…and listening as Paul preached. Looking straight at him, Paul realized he had faith to be healed. So Paul called to him in a loud voice, “Stand up!” And the man jumped to his feet and started walking.

There is something profound about the look in your eyes, it tells a story of what goes on in your heart. The Bible describes your eyes as the lamp of your body, if your vision is clear your whole body is full of light (Matt 6:22). And on the other hand, one of the things God hates the most, is a proud look (Prov 6:16-17).

When people look you in the eyes today, can they see Jesus’ love, mercy and compassion? Or are they avoiding eye contact, because without you saying a single word to them, you have already glared at them, thinking you are better, smarter and superior?

God is also looking through the window of your soul and he wants our eyes to be fixed on him. When you look through the eyes of Jesus, you will see love, potential and perfection in others.

Light up your life by clearing your vision and let that be the first conversation you have with someone else, let your eyes be full of love, mercy and compassion.