Jonke Ministries-Shanza Jonker-expect the unexpected

Photo Credit to Natalie Seth (@ escapingyouth)

Act 13:47 NLT

For the Lord gave us this command when he said, ‘I have made you a light to the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the farthest corners of the earth.’

” Scientists are tapping into the power of silkworms and spiders to develop new devices made from silk, and their newest invention can help mend broken bones. The researchers tested their implants in rats, and found that silk screws are just as effective as metal alloy screws, and just as biodegradable as polymer alternatives, but without any of the unwanted side effects like inflammation.” ~

This is a typical example of an unexpected turnout, when something which seems ordinary turns out to be extraordinary. God wants to do the same for you. The same power and Spirit that lived in Jesus and that resurrected Him from the grave, lives in you (Rom 8:11). It is only the power of the Holy Spirit that can mend your brokenheart and bind up your wounds (Ps 147:3) and the Holy Spirit is the one who makes us more and more like him, transforming us from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18).

The Holy Spirit is ready for a powerful transformation to emerge in your life. In the same way as the silkworm emerges as a moth, it first needs to spin itself a silky cocoon. Take the same approach as the silkworm, wrap yourself up in all his promises so that you can experience His peace and love in your heart. This is your protective casing that will radically transform you into everything that God created you to be.

He holds your future and he wants you to be ready for an unexpected turnout of miracles, signs and wonder, but it starts with you.

Be what he made you to be and bring His salvation to the furthest corners of the earth.